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234 Pets Sterilized in March Campaign

Over 3,000 dogs have been sterilized in our campaigns to date!

Baja Dogs La Paz, Inc., returned to Calonia Cardancito in March, where demand remains great, to sterilize 89 dogs in a single campaign day. In addition, we held 3 "mini" campaigns, including two in the Chametla neighborhood and another in Cardancito, bringing our total for March to 234 pets sterilized. Another 79 individual vouchers for in-office surgeries were given to those who were unable to sterilize their dogs on the campaign days for health or other reasons. That brings our total number of sterilizations to date to 3,196!

We would like to thank the local neighborhood schools for allowing us to utilize their space for monthly campaigns. This allows us to provide much needed shade for the campaigns as the weather gets warmer. As always, we also thank Dr. Fernando and his team, Dr. Mario and his team for providing their veterinary services, and Franky Hanon for providing their educational program to campaign attendees.



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