We're shifting our focus to help local families keep and provide preventive care for their beloved pets.
Baja Dogs has shifted its focus from adoptions to sterilizations to address the root cause of overpopulation of dogs (and cats) in La Paz. The stats are real: a single sterilization surgery can prevent up to 67,000 births over multiple generations, and helps to break the cycle of abandoned and unwanted dogs. However, there is a truth we would like to describe which is evident in every sterilization campaign we do and this is the LOVE of animals owned and cared for by local families.

The underserved communities that we are conducting sterilization campaigns in have very little means for their own survival, let alone for animals, yet they take into care stray animals that wander into their neighborhoods and the families provide what they can to give them a better life. True, some of the animals may not have a comfortable bed to sleep on every night. True, some of the animals may not have a full meal and clean water every day. True, some of the animals may not have a tiled floor to walk on. But the truth is, neither do some of the families. It is beyond humbling to visit with these people and listen to their stories and the history of the animals they have saved.
Animals may arrive at the campaigns with make-shift leashes of chains or electrical cords. This must not be looked at as abuse or harsh, but quite the opposite. The owners of the animals are utilizing any resource they have possession of to assure the animal is safe on its journey to us. Family members nervously hand over and wait for their beloved animal to be sterilized and are lit up with ear-to-ear smiles when it is returned to them. Groggy dogs are pushed home in wheel barrels and toy trucks. Children hug and kiss their furry family members and cannot wait for them to awaken fully so they can continue their daily play together.
As part of the Baja Dogs sterilization program, local pet owners in underserved La Paz communities can receive a complimentary sterilization voucher that can be redeemed at any time with one of our approved, licensed veterinarians located in strategic neighborhoods throughout La Paz. We hold regular sterilization campaign days in these communities and partner with local organizations and veterinarians to serve families who lack the resources or daytime hours to take their dogs to a vet to be sterilized. To date, 541 animals and counting have been sterilized in the program.
Because of this, each of us at Baja Dogs are honored and proud to help these amazing people and hope you will continue to help us achieve our mission.
To help support this effort, please consider donating here.